Electric Fryer/Gas Deep Frying


1 basket LPG

Ada 2 macam type Gas Deep Frying.

Update harga bulan Mei 2014

1. Singgle (1 Basket)

Capasity  : 5,5 ltr

Size            : 29 x 52 x 46 cm

Price         : Rp. 1.500.000,-

2. Double (2 Basket)

Capasity  : 2 x 7 ltr

Size            : 58 x 52 x 46 cm

Price         : Rp. 4.500.000,-

Kalau tambah Termostat Rp.900.000,-



Kompor sistem celup atau Gas deep fryer dengan termostat.

Karena banyaknya permintaan dari Customer kami baik yang baru ataupun customer lama, maka saat ini kami telah datangkan Gas Deep Fryer yang telah dilengkapi dengan Termostat.

Dengan adanya thermostat ini maka suhu dalam tanki tentunya akan dapat dengan mudah dikontrol panasnya sesuai dengan keinginan kita dan jenis bahan yang digoreng didalamnya.

Selain itu panas didalam tanki akan menjadi lebih stabil, karena besarnya gas  LPG yang dikeluarkan diatur oleh thermostat. Sehingga bahan yang dimasak akan menjadi matang lebih sempurna.

Ada 2 type Deep fryer gas LPG dengan thermostat :


Deep Fryer type LPG terbaru kami ( telah menggunakan thermostat) :


Karena banyaknya permintaan dari Customer kami, maka saat ini kami datangkan Deep Fryer type LPG yang telah dilengkapi dengan Thermostat. Sehingga suhu minyak dapat dikontrol sesuai dengan keinginan, dan panasnya menjadi stabil seperti pada type electrik.

Salam Sukses

Samudra Wibowo

0815 1922 0879

0812 1395 7819

021 9862 1531

21 Balasan ke Electric Fryer/Gas Deep Frying

  1. sunario berkata:

    saya minta tolong penjelasan mengenai harganya?

  2. RYAN berkata:

    berapa harga mesin tersebut?

  3. erni berkata:

    berapa harga mesin yg gas deep frying

  4. Nathalia Harini berkata:

    saya butuh basket include handle dan wadah nya saja. Apakah parts tersebut dijual secara terpisah dari mesin deep fryer nya? Tolong sekalian informasi harga dari parts tersebut bila tersedia untuk dijual secara terpisah termasuk ukuran2nya yang ada.
    Terima kasih.

  5. Esrie berkata:

    berapa harga detail & product deep fryer portable (single atau double)

  6. nita berkata:

    tolong di info kan harga gas deep frying DF-71 dan DF-72.

  7. michelle robert berkata:

    From Michelle Robert
    Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire
    Ivory Coast,

    Good day, please contact me my privet email(michelle_robert1986@hotmail.fr)

    Permit me to inform you of our desire of going into business relationship with you. I am quite aware that my message will come to you as a surprise because it is indeed very strange for someone you have not met before to contact you in this regard.

    l am Michelle Robert, the only child of late Chief and Mrs Benjamin Robert, My father was a very wealthy cocoa merchant in Abidjan here, the economic capital of Ivory Coast, he was poisoned to death by his business associates on one of their business meeting. My mother died on the 20th January 1988 and my father took me so special because l am motherless.
    Before the death of my father on 29th December 2008 in a private hospital here in Abidjan, he secretly called me at his bedside,when I sat down to listen to him, he started crying, why? (1) He complained that I am too young to be managing my life with no one to take care of me,(2)That I have not finished my university education as he planned for me, he revealed to me that he has a sum of US$7,500.000.(SEVEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS) he left in security firm here in Abidjan, that he used my name as the only child for his next of kin in deposit of the funds.

    He also explained to me that it was because of this wealth that he was poisioned by his business associates , that l should seek for a GOD fearing foreign partner in a country of my choice where l will transfer this money and use it for proper investment purpose ,that I must finish my university education by the help of a business partner abroad,that he or she should help me obtain a resident permit in his or her country.

    Please, I am now ready to do all these since my father my bread winner is no more. l am honourable seeking your assistance in the following ways.

    (1) To serve as my guardian in your country while I will depend on your expert advise since l am only 22 years.
    (2) To make arrangement for me to come over to your country in order to further my university education and to secure a residential permit for me in your country.

    Moreover, l am willing to offer you 15% of the total sum as compensation for your assistance in the transfer of this fund to your country. Furthermore, you can indicate your option towards assisting me as l believed that this project would be concluded within seven days you signify interest to assist me by standing by me as my foreign trustee / guardian.
    Hoping to hear from you soon. May God bless you as you as you extend your helping hand to an orphan.

    Best wishes
    Michelle Robert.

  8. viandy tanova berkata:

    berapa harga gas deep frying DF-71 dan produk nya buatan mana?

  9. Fahrudin berkata:

    tolong di info kan harga gas deep frying DF-71 dan DF-72.

  10. ana berkata:

    Tolong info harga gas deep frying DF-71 dan DF-72.
    Dan tolong diberikan sedikit informasi pemakaian gas untuk gas deep frying tersebut.

  11. patria berkata:

    tolong dikirim informasi hargaDF-71 dan 72. terima kasih

  12. Irfan berkata:

    Mohon info spesifikasi produk DF 71 dan DF 72. berikut dimensi dan harganya. apakah sudah dilengkapi dengan pengatur suhu atau tidak. mohon kirim ke email saya… thnx

  13. Admin berkata:

    Ada 2 macam type Gas Deep Frying.

    1. Singgle (1 Basket)

    Capasity : 7 ltr

    Size : 29 x 52 x 46 cm

    Price : Rp. 3.250.000,-


    2. Double (2 Basket)

    Capasity : 2 x 7 ltr

    Size : 58 x 52 x 46 cm

    Price : Rp. 5.225.000,-


  14. ifan berkata:

    saya berniat beli gas deep fryer,saya mau lihat produknya,apabila mungkin di gudang semper krn saya tinggal di k gading. no telp yang diberikan tidak aktif,saya mau tanya produk2 lain.tks

  15. Tere berkata:

    Tolong info spesifikasi produk Gas Deep Frying (dimensi dan harga) nya.. Produk buatan mana yah?
    Apa sudah ada pengatur suhu otomatisnya? dan sdikit info pemakaiannya. Memakai gas kan bukan listrik? mohon imel saya brikut gambar produknya yahh.. Thanks before..

  16. ryan berkata:

    mau nanya type GF-75 harga nya berapa?

  17. refly berkata:

    Mohon informasih mengenai spesifikasi produk DF 71, DF 72 dan ICH-J81. berikut dimensi dan harganya. apakah sudah dilengkapi dengan pengatur suhu atau tidak. mohon kirim ke email saya terima kasih.

  18. eva setyajid berkata:

    yang single basket bisa goreng brp ekor ayam dan yg doble brp ekor?

  19. freedom berkata:

    Boss,minta info lokasi penjualannya dimananya , garansinya apa aja dan berapa lama , dan product asal negara mana ? serta harga untuk GF1 17L dan GF2 17L berapa,thanks.

  20. Ir. Suharyono berkata:

    sudah hampir satu minggu, saya beli gas deep frying 2x17L komplit, barang juga belum sampai di yogya. saya beli hari Selasa 4 okt. 2011 cash + biaya kirim (saya datang sendiri ke rumah Pak Budi), katanya hari Rabu 6 okt. barang segera dikirim, ternyata setelah saya di yogya barang belum sampai. Hari Jum’at 8 okt. saya telpon Pak Budi, katanya barang baru dikirim Kamis 7 okt. Sampai hari ini Senin 11 okt. barang juga belum sampai. Bagaimana Bapak/kepiye to iki kok ora ono kabare????, wis diantu-antu je!!!

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